Sep 5, 2010


Annelene Schulte 

Bad Oeynhausen, Germany
Mixed media artist
My work as an artist in earlier years has been a lot about expressing my inner emotions while going through life experiences, often in the way of painting, but also 3D sculpting, using gauze, wax and other materials that would work well to create artefacts which resembled undefined organisms breaking free.

In more recent years, my work has been about reflecting on the world around me, news items, private life moments, and the fascination of how all these big and small moments happen simultaneously in the same world. I take great enjoyment from collaboration and exchange with other artists, in my home Bad Oeynhausen in Germany as well as in other places in the world. I regularly visit New York for fresh inspiration and have also already met Waltham Forest Arts Club through earlier collaboration. It was nice to get invited to take part in this art trail as a guest artist and hope that London artists will also join exhibitions here in Germany in the future.

Gerard Hanson (Jamaican Paintings, venue 76)
Painter printmaker

The paintings on show belong to a series with which Gerard reconnects with his family’s roots.
Born in Bradford (West Yorkshire) of Jamaican and Irish parentage, Gerard studied at Central St. Martins and Wimbledon School of Art gaining a Masters in Fine Art & Printmaking.

 Louiz Kirkebjerg Nielsen (The World as your Oyster, venue 14)
Printmaking artist

I was born in Roskilde in Denmark. My mother came from Liverpool in England and my father came from a village called Kirkebjerg. I was given this as a middle name. This place is a very significant spot in the world to me not only because I lived there but because my art practise today directly echoes from my experiences around there. Going on imaginary journeys in the forests, digging for Viking treasures in the ground, inventing stories, collecting, drawing, building and Lego!

My pictures are like Lego bits and glimpses one journey
One page in a book, one day in a year
They don't say it all like going for a walk on a Wednesday afternoon
They are a collection of moments caught when I was there
Things I found and put in my pocket, places I noticed or chose to see
When time stood still long enough and my camera remembered what I found
Like bricks in a wall I stick them together buildings rise on my paper
Places I haven't seen before appear
I have reached my destination, the discovery ends here
I consider them found and I am finished for the day

Nelleke Nix 
New York
Installations and mixed media artist

Nelleke first connected with some of the artists involved in “The Visitors” two years back when I invited them to her collaborative installation project “Open the Door Richard”.

Nix Studio is located in New York, N.Y. and Seattle, WA. It is a full service art studio focusing on digital art painting, sculpture, printmaking, murals & conceptualization.

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