Jun 9, 2014

Guest Blog: Penny Fielding on The Garden of Earthly Delights

This exhibit sees Carne Griffiths “live painting” on the large hallway wall of  41 Jewel Road. The painting will progress for the duration of the trail.

I always love a seeing a work in progress, especially when it’s unplanned and develops organically. In this instance, Carne is getting inspiration from “objects of curiosity” that people bring along. Their presence influences the artist’s process and this is reflected into the work.  Carne welcomes the distraction of people coming and going: he sees it as more of an interaction, which is woven into his creative stream.

When I saw the mural on Thursday, it was a tracery in willow pattern blue. Entwined fantastical and studied botany, emerging with areas of intense detail in falling space. I’m looking forward to seeing the final transformation of this flat domestic area into a labyrinthine garden of earthly delights.

Penny Fielding

Listing no. 27: Click here for more information

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